How To Stop Google Spelling Suggestions

Open the Google Chrome App.
How to stop google spelling suggestions. Godwar -god of war. Stop telling me about routines Google Home says its sorry it doesnt know how to help with that. Here are some commands that dont seem to stop the unwanted tips.
For example if you only want godwar but not god of war then use this search term. Essentially Google spell checking compares words entered against a constantly changing list of the most common searches and isolates when a user may have intended to enter a different word or words. Tap your active keyboard Google Keyboard in this case to enter into keyboard settings.
Tap the Three Vertical Dots in the upper right-hand corner. Swypesettingsauto correction unchecked. Please provide the information asked for further assistance.
Click the Tools tab at the top of the window. Available for Windows Mac and Linux Google Chrome is the most widely used desktop browser in the world. Now save your settings.
First clicktap Start button then type typing without the quotations. Scroll down and tap Language and Input. Youll get a toggle button given for Spell Check option.
If you go to Tools Spelling and Grammar and click on the arrow you should see an option for Show spelling suggestions and a separate option for Show grammar suggestions. In the Languages and Input menu find the Spell Checker option. Open HTC sense keyboard and it still auto-corrects words badly lol maybe we have different version of phones.