How To Solder Electric Guitar Wires

Add the Tone control by soldering a wire from Tab 1 of the Volume control to Tab 2 of the Tone control.
How to solder electric guitar wires. The tubing will start. Tin the wire AND contact points before soldering. When the solder has cooled slip the heat shrink over the new joint center it and fire up the heat gun.
Resist the temptation to blow on the solder to hasten the process. Tap the end of the 6337 solder on top of the wire splice so the solder melts down into the wires. Resistance setting about 20K.
You do not want a glob of solder on wire. If you were to use a metal shield on a guitar that used the wiring from Fig 1 you would need to remove the ground wires. Protect your guitar with card or rags.
Try to make each wire the same length as the original. Each washer was soldered to a loop of wire and then dropped down over the pots post just prior to installing the pot. On the below example this Strat copy guitar had a red wire for its hot and a bare un shielded wire for its ground further showing how different manufacturers can have different colour coding.
This process should melt the solder and coat both wires evenly. It will quickly soak into the strands of the wire. A thin coating is all thats needed.
Do use rosin-core solder. Guitar electronics dont need much. If playback doesnt begin shortly try restarting your device.